1. Think before speaking
Really like this might happen every time. Have you people met my happy sparkly ass? Some things just cannot be contained. It’s just too dang funny to see people’s reaction to what comes out of my pie hole.
2. Investigate thoroughly before speaking or emailing on an issue
Like #1 this can be an interesting one.
3. Come up with more ideas
I have ideas galore. They are like bologna on the outside of the door of the fridge. Some stick and some flat on the floor. In time, the ones that stick come to life and others morph into some other great idea that is better than a fish’s bellybutton. What fish don’t have bellybuttons? Someone better let them know.
4. Get on a eating plan to loose weight
I’ve been on the see food diet so long not sure how this will work. I see food and I eat it. What? It all looks so fudging good.
5. Blog more
Yes, I said it blog more. I know you peeps have missed me like crazy over the past 6 weeks or so. How do I know? The crazy circus monkeys have told me and I have felt it.
All kidding aside I will work on some of these goals and focus more things to improve myself. Because it's a new year and the monkeys are still playing with their Christmas presents.