Who the fuck knew that there was yet another level to this year. Yes there is. It’s called the presidential election. I almost forgot because I haven’t seen a lot of political ads and flyers. But I sure did see some of the debate. I couldn’t watch more than 5 minutes. I sure hope this this the last level to this year because I don’t think we can handle anymore.
My goofy and strange events in my life and some not so goofy and strange. It's my life and I'm proud of it. I have no kids and don't want them. But I do love my nieces, nephews and cousins like crazy and have fun with them. I have no regrets and I'm not perfect. I am who I am and will not apologize for it. So come and enjoy my silliness and rants. Sometimes my brain works overtime and I forget everything I learned about grammar.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Monday, June 8, 2020
To whom it may or may not concern:
This level of Jumanji with the rioting is a little too much. Can we just skip it the rest of it and go on to the next level? It is not like we ever started the killer bee level. So, with that we can be finished right, or will the oceans empty out to the outer rings of the universe. If that happens imagine what the looters could find then. Maybe some sunken treasure or some odd-looking fish. It is not like there’s a level that included all the politicians that are in office. That group is another game entirely. One that a lot of us would rather not play anymore because they are being boneheads on the whole quarantine.
On that note I am going to find a nice desert with a pool. It’s not like anyone is out there looting and rioting. They could if they want tons of sand. Peace out and thank you.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
To whom it may concern quarantine
To whom it may concern:
I am don't this with quarantine shit. I am one of the ones who knows how to wash my hands and stay 6 feet away. Hell I even know what a shower is and I always stay away from the idiots. So please open up the pools for us. Why you ask. Because all you ass hats in charge have taken away everything else from us and our immune systems won't be able to fight the common cold much less all the stupid people in the world. Or anyone else for that matter that we don't want to deal with.
Yes. I know this letter will piss people off and I could fall into the idiot group. But I am ok with that. So don't get your underwear in a bunch over someone you don't know. You worry about you. Because we have done our sparkly duty and it's time to move on and solve other issues. Like how to make it rain glitter.
So go and have some laughs over on TikTok. Of course I'm there being stupid or fucking funny as shit. So find me @oneblondebraincell. What did you expect? Something original like Unicorn.
Peace out and keep sparkling.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Not done with Jumanji and I did it to myself
Well, I guess I am not done playing Jumanji. I added another level myself. The hamster wheel aka the bike. I don't know what I was thinking when I went a purchased a bike 10 days ago. After about 6 rides on the wheel my ass is still screaming at me. Nothing else is yelling out in pain and my ass is not yelling in farts either.
So I am not sure what I was thinking adding that level into mix. I just hope my TikToks come alive as another level.
Peace out and keep sparkling
So I am not sure what I was thinking adding that level into mix. I just hope my TikToks come alive as another level.
Peace out and keep sparkling
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Thursday, April 2, 2020
Toilet paper, Pokémon go and Tik Tok
A few weeks in and people are still hoarding toilet paper and paper towels. Don’t people realize that the stores are still getting stock or are they that stupid. I’m going with stupid. I hope all the hoarders have a few plungers in the house because with all that toilet paper toilets are gonna get clogged.
I also wonder where are they storing it all, in their garage? I get some people have 2 car garages but isn’t it filer with you other stuff. Like cars and all the kids shit. Plus I don’t think people want to inherit toilet paper. Just saying.
On another note I found Tik Tok and have become addicated like everyone else. Between that and Pokémon Go I am not sure which one is more a time waster. Either way I have entertainment after I get done working for the day. Since I work from home at this time I have an extra 90 minutes to waste on that. Because it’s not like I can eat since I have no toilet paper
Monday, March 16, 2020
Really hoarding the TP. How much do you poop?
Really people. Hoarding the toilet paper? How much do you think is going to come out of your ass if you do contact the Corona Virus. You realize that it doesn't affect your stomach right. Unless you drink a bunch of Corona Beer. Also, you know that there is a thing called a shower. Worse case scenario take another shower. Oh if you have rags you could use that and throw them out after using them.
There is no reason why stores should have to limit quantities. We are grown ass adults who should have enough common sense to think that there are others that need it too. Yea sure I could have brought the last 10 bottles of cleaner I found but I didn't because I know there are others that need it. So I got what I needed and left most of them.
So people start using your heads during this time. It's not like you use them anyways so for once please think.
There is no reason why stores should have to limit quantities. We are grown ass adults who should have enough common sense to think that there are others that need it too. Yea sure I could have brought the last 10 bottles of cleaner I found but I didn't because I know there are others that need it. So I got what I needed and left most of them.
So people start using your heads during this time. It's not like you use them anyways so for once please think.
Friday, February 28, 2020
I’m 49 and I am on Tik Tok

Yes you read that title right. I am addicted to Tik Tok at the age of 49. It all started last summer to help my cousins daughter out. See she wants to become Tik Tok famous. So I created an account and followed her. I like her videos and I made a few. Then over the past month I made quite a few more and some how I know have a few more followers than her. Who knew that people liked watching me trying to catch chicken nuggets on a Snapchat filter.
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Another round of Things I’d love to say
So, your back hurts because of your chair. Well stupid take off the pillow that’s strapped to back of it and that might help.
Why are you asking me if its mine when my name it on it? Of course, it is, please get your eyes checked.
I like you just fine when you’re not always asking me how to close your browser.
Hey dumbass, use a turn signal and I might let you into traffic.
Hey kids, the Adults will take over all social media. Suck it up because we see how much fun Tik Tok really is and want to be all up in your business.
Really you have been having iPad issues every day since we last talked months ago and you just now say something. Yes, certain things we can see but you have to tell us you are having an issue, since we don’t spy on you all the time.
Yes, I call my sparkly self out on shit before you take this personally. Because I know you’ll try to sling some shit back at me. If you do please make sure its fake and full of glitter.
Tuesday, January 14, 2020
How the frick did you not notice the ice maker
Not sure how people cannot notice things. Especially when they use the item daily. You get water from the fridge everyday multiple times a day. How do you not notice the ice option? Really you are not far from said fridge and you hear something falling and you have to ask we have an ice maker. Like you don’t hear it any other time. No, we have a rock maker to go with the water. If you have only heard/seen it after a month you may need to turn up your hearing aides and get a new pair of glasses. Of course, I why I am surprised at this I am not sure because the person cannot even fill the paper in the printer. Even after working in an office for years. It’s not hard. Step one get some paper and open pack. Step two open printer tray. Step three put in paper. Step four close printer tray. If needed, we can make a YouTube Tutorial on it. It would of course be a comedy skit. Because you need some laughter when dealing with stupidity.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The holidays and back at work
Now that we survived the holidays, we now must survive a full week back at work. I really don’t know what the frick is more exhausting. Getting ready for the holidays or the Monday of the first full week back at work. I think everybody and their mother forgot how to function over the holidays. They ask why it’s taking longer for their orders to be delivered. They then act like they have never been through a holiday season where shipping is affected for a month. People, this is what happens even a trillion people order of Amazon! Ok maybe not that many since the animal kingdom doesn’t order from Amazon even though it seems like it. What you don’t know any cats that own a computer?
All these days off suck the brain cells out of my brain. Hard to believe that the stupid people left any. My time off consisted mostly of binge watching The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and the Stars Wars movies. So, while I am answering the phone with may the force be with you and ending with Happy Fall it has helped keep the stupidity at bay. So needless to say, after the first 2 days back at work I am fully rested.
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