Saturday, November 30, 2019

Hey, we survived the 1970's and 1980's

With each decade kids experience less and less.  Being born in 1971 I didn't experience some of the same things that my parents and grandparents did.  While they didn't get put in a car seat as newborn I was.  But as we got older none us really used seat-belts.   Kids now a days are in a car seat or a booster seat until they are driving or some crazy age like 10.  I think it's all based on height and weight.  Hey, we survived and didn't grow up to be wimps.

The other thing was Easter eggs that were hidden the night before Easter.  What?  My parents were not getting up at 4 in morning to hide them because they never knew what time we were getting up.  Of course there was the one year that we couldn't find one and they forgot where they hid them all.  So we went on our merry lives and the egg started smelling.  We found it in a chair a week or so later.  Hey, we survived and didn't grow up to about food in the buffet.

Oh, did I mention helmets and padding when riding a bike or roller skating.  Nope never owned any of it.  Yes, my parents loved us and cared about us, but like my parents we survived.   Heck I even had a broken wrist at 5.  It healed just fine and now 43 years later there are no issues.  Hey,we survived with no issues mentally or physically.  OK, maybe a few if you have read a few of the posts in my blog.  I'm a little weird and off.  I call it being sparkly.

I'm sure there were a lot more things we survived that I an forgetting.  But I was a teenager in the 1980's and it was the decade of excess.  So I am sure the hair spray highs cause a memory issue.  Yes, I'm going with the hairspray high excuse.  

Friday, November 29, 2019

Food coma and buying an elephant with a tutu

So, does anyone know what they bought yesterday when they went shopping after eating that turkey and being in a food coma?  Between the crowds and the food comas it makes me wonder how anyone was able to push the carts and load them up.  Does the alcohol even out the food coma and everybody doesn’t walk around like a drunken fool?  In past years people were crazy pushing and shoving each other and for what, a savings of 2 pennies.  I imagine people pushing and shoving all while being in that food coma and just grabbing things and moving on.  When they get home and are looking through their purchases, they are like oh when did I buy an elephant with a lime green tutu on.  So that’s why I have a semi-truck in my driveway.  Oh, look a VHS playing with a box of beta tapes.  What great purchases, my family is going to love this stuff.


People really need to stop shopping on Thanksgiving and enjoy the family.  Because let’s face it, a flying monkey playing the tuba will only last a short time.  But the crazy cousin swinging from the chandler with the turkey yelling you can’t catch us will last a lifetime.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Black hole of life

I think I fell into the black hole of life.  Either that or I just suck donkey balls at adulting.  I think it’s a combination of both.  Between living with the elderly grandfather and being an hour away from work I am in a whole different world of crazy.  Then trying to plan moving furniture by renting a truck from a big box hardware store and I feel like I’m a fish in outer space. 

Being in the black hole of life seems to be a good thing at this point.  I am away from all the stupid cranky people including myself.  What’s funny is that people will have long drawn out conversations about things like why a show wasn’t on TV but when talk of a state not changing time cause said TV show to be on an hour later as well as the news.  No, the local stations won’t figure that out since the big networks have their times set.  So, you all wanted to be on daylight savings time permanently enjoy that ride because for some of us we were fine the way things were.  So just remember not to bitch when you cannot remember what time zone you’re in cuz this monkey and circus won’t care because I’ll be in my black hole.