Sunday, January 31, 2016

Antique flea markets

Today I'm at an antique flea market. I have a booth that was given to me by my Tastefully Simple upline. She couldn't do it so she passed it on. So I packed up what I was going to take and put it aside. Then I got to thinking that I could sell some of my "junk". Now I use the word junk in a good way. Because not all junk is really junk when it's someone else's treasure. 

So I set up my booth and almost immediately I start selling my junk. Someone asked about an old the thermometer that I had and I said $3. She was like oh no it's worth more than that. I'll pay $10. I'm sitting there thinking that's not the way this works. You pay what I ask for or ask if I'll take lower. Not ask if I'll take more. So I was like ok I'll take your $10. Heck I got it for free, so see ya thermometer and hello money. 

The people that come though are definitely interesting. I love dealing with them and I always end up with some weird crazy story. There's still an hour left so let's see what happens. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Boycotting the Oscars

With all the talk of boycotting the Oscars, I thought I’d join in. I figure since I am a short, middle-aged, overweight, blue eyed woman that I would boycott too. I mean why not, I’m not nominated at all for anything, not even for my blonde hair being an extra in my life. Which is very exciting with all the work in the sky I do with the fish and worms. Not to mention all the movies I make on Pluto.

Not to mention Billy Bob and Yoda making a movie this past month and I directed and produced it. It was a short movie with them on the beach enjoying the water and sand. They frolicked and played all day before going back to the Mars space station that’s in the ocean. It going to be a classic movie 25 years from now and they will have reunions for years and years. Currently the movie is only available on my iPhone. They are shy creatures and only want it viewed once a year.

So until I get nominated for one of my Billy Bob and Yoda short films or for being myself in my own life, I’m boycotting going to any space award shows or any award show for that matter. Who am I kidding? I don’t need an award to let me know I’m blonde. I can see it every day in the mirror. Some days it’s a good looking award other days it’s kind of scary since the hair tends to stand straight up in the morning.

Until next time, later peeps.

Monday, January 18, 2016

New job and home show

I started week 3 at the new job. So far it's good and I fit right in with some people. Since it's a small company it wasn't too hard to do. I am loving it there so far. 

This past weekend I did a 2 day home show. I set up my Tastefully Simple items. It was a pretty good show. I didn't make my booth back but I sold more than the last one in September and met some more awesome people. 

Things are looking up from here. A new permenant job and a new part time job. Since the last one was seasonal. Now it's back to th crazy busy life. Throw in some sparkle and fun and I'm living the life of a beach person.