Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Your drama is yours and yes I make mistakes

Peoples stupid drama needs to stay away from me. Hence why I only have a few good friends. 

They know I make mistakes and don't think I'm out up get them. So they don't go ape shit bat crazy when I make them. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿต They move on when I tell them I was doing something and text them by mistake. Shit๐Ÿ’ฉ happens. 

So people move on. Life is too short to make it a pile of shit and baby snot. 

On a brighter note the baby I watched hasn't peed on me in months while I change his diaper. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Ideas and helping family whose heads are up their asses.

I love it when someone comes to me and says we need to start a business together. I respond with yes let's do it. We had a few ideas a few years ago let's revisit and sit down and talk and get it rolling. Then nothing out of her.  So I go on my merry way selling candles and setting up events. Again she comes back with it again. I'm like ok what are you thinking. She tells me and I am like ok it's doable. Once again ball drops on her end. I continue on and hear from family that her head is up her ass. I'm like yea I offered many options but ball always dropped on her end so I figured she must not need it that bad. Which I know she does. 

So I hear that she is doing something. Good I'm glad. But don't come to me saying you want to start something when you already have something going. Yes we are family and families tend to help each other. But I cannot help if you don't let me. So suck it. I'm going to continue on doing my thing and if you to use my services down the road you'll probably end up having to pay for them like everyone else since the offer for free help has been there for quite awhile and you choose to keep your head up your ass. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

Tips on vendor events for those signing up

Ok people it's really not that hard. There are 2 of us that are planning events. She sends out the contracts and I invoice them via paypay when she says she hast sent the invoice. Some of these people should not be dealing with the public because they call us saying they cannot find the invoice or contract. We have listed who does what and not our fault your a stupid fuck who get too much email and doesn't check your spam folder or other folders to see if the email is in there. Here are some tips. 

1.     Check your spam folder. If you don't and your invoice from paypay made it there. Opppps your a fucktard who missed paying now your spot in our event is gone. 

2.     Read and follow how we want you to responds when requesting events. Yes we said to list what dates you want once we post it.  Opppps again your a fucktard who cannot follow simple instructions. 

3.     No drama. Hello your not in high school or grade school. We are not daycare center workers either. Put your big girl or boy pants on and deal with it. 

4.     Stop being a fucktard. Not my problem you don't know how to use email and cannot find anything. Then 30 minutes later find it and send it all back. Your stupid and get some glasses.