Thursday, January 30, 2014

The mailings and the baby

Oh yea, it gets interesting when trying to put together mailings for candles and the baby is awake.  My main focus is the baby of course, but there are times when he is just playing by himself with his toys. So I bring out my things and start stuffing envelopes.  Of course, he notices and rolls his happy cute little drool filled face over and drools all over, then rolls all over the papers.  Then the dog realizes whats going on and decides to get in on the action and is walking over the baby onto the envelopes.  It turns into a hot mess.  Well, not really because it is too cute to be a hot mess when little old me is the childless babysitter, who happens to love kids.  Go figure

So, now that I have had to call all my candle customers and explain that it was not me that drooled all over the invites, I will only deal with paper when the drool monster is asleep and the dog is chewing on a bone or a slipper.

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