Thursday, September 26, 2019

Either bat shit crazy or lack of self esteem

Just because your husband talks to a female doesn’t mean that he is banging said female.  In today’s world males and females work together and they do have to communicate with each other.  Most of the time it is during work hours, but occasionally there are times when they must talk outside of work.  Now I do not know every type of job out there but if you are working in the IT field you may need to talk to each other if there is a project going on or a data outage. 

So, there is no need to stalk the females your husband talks to.  By doing so you could be causing him trouble at work, putting him at risk of losing his job, etc.  Any issues should be addressed with your man.  Because he was the one possibly cheating on you and if you are that insecure then maybe you need to work on you and your damn trust issues.  Not to mention your high school drama needs to be put into check.  So go and deal with your damn hot mess of yourself and move on.

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