Friday, August 19, 2016

The things I hear

I work in the customer field world and yes I hear lots of things. People with spell common names like Laura but won't spell the ones with 35 letters and only only is a vowel. I sit there like wtf.

They they huff and puff when you ask said person to spell their name because is has 79 letters and no vowels. Not to mention how would I know if you spelled my name Kelley instead of Kelly. They sound the same so using my name and the date for a reference it doesn't matter how it's spelled because I only hear it on the phone. I don't see how you spelt it. Plus, everybody would know it's me because I'm the only Kelly. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Younique's August Kudos-Defend Innocence Bundle

I love what this months Kudos is doing. 

This months Kudos is very special.  Not only does it come with all new NEVER before released product.. it comes with information about what you can do to protect your children from abuse.  Round up your order to the nearest dollar to go to the Younique Foundation which helps survivors of sexual abuse too.  The more you know..the more you can do!!  Support me, support our mission, get informed, and get some pretty new colors too♡  Thank you friends♡

Thursday, August 4, 2016

I just might say these

Put your big boy pants on and get over your shit; I’m just doing my job and trying to help you.


With your pie hole open like that, I’m not sure if you’re either catching flies or talking stupid.


Oh, there’s food on my shirt.  I was saving that for later.


If ya’ll would stop complaining about things and do something about it, things may change.


It might be a good idea if you get your chin waxed when you get your eyebrows done.


Didn’t Pokémon get lost in the 1990s, so why not leave it there?


If Pokémon doesn’t come with a shot of any liquor I’m not looking for his sorry ass.


I no longer think that’s a pole up your ass.  I think it’s a vibrator turned on high.


No one asked you to micro manage me, but training me would be helpful.


Really please spell out Kelly which happens to be my name, in case you forgot.


Seriously stop repeating what the fuck I say.  One of us must be drunk if that’s happening and it’s not me.


Patient goes a long way.  Please use it so I don’t have to poke you in your eye.  Thank you and have a great day.


With the way you’re talking either you have food in your mouth or your dentures are loose.


No, I don’t sell too many things.  I am just a one stop shop.


Really you’re going to buy that candle from a big box store and not support local stores and direct sales people.  Oh look your kid is selling cookies.  I’ll buy them from the store.