Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Hurt and the Peace Afterwards

Since the whole break up, I also kicked a friend to the side.  I asked that the private stuff stay private.  That couldn't be respected so I had to let her go.  I'll still be there for her kids when I can be,  The 2nd mother is having health issues so I am helping when I can there since she has always been there for me.

Now that its been done I have such peace.  Don't get me wrong I want to send him a ton a messages but there is no point.  Yes I miss seeing the kids but I know I'll see them again.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Man Child

Yea the F buddy is still hanging in there.  Just barely though.  He was all hot and heavy in the being.  Calling all the time trying to get a date and then we do meet up and it was going strong for awhile.  Then boom it totally slowed down and he's always having something come up.

Lol I started this post back in January and never finished it or posted it.  Alot, has changed since then.  I caught feelings and he didn't.  So in June I ended.  Then a few weeks later he called my friend saying he has a girlfriend and was asking if I would have sex with him.  Lord hell no.  So thats the short of that whole thing.

Now I'm the dating apps.  Someone help us all.