Tuesday, February 11, 2025

End of 2024 Start of 2025

The end and beginning of the year had me packing and moving apartments.  It came with all sorts of mixed emotions but I think it was a good move.  I have been posting more on TikTok then anywhere else,  While I moved in the middle of winter there was no snow.  Which is shocking since I live in northern Illinois.  

On that note it back over to TikTok.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

The Hurt and the Peace Afterwards

Since the whole break up, I also kicked a friend to the side.  I asked that the private stuff stay private.  That couldn't be respected so I had to let her go.  I'll still be there for her kids when I can be,  The 2nd mother is having health issues so I am helping when I can there since she has always been there for me.

Now that its been done I have such peace.  Don't get me wrong I want to send him a ton a messages but there is no point.  Yes I miss seeing the kids but I know I'll see them again.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Man Child

Yea the F buddy is still hanging in there.  Just barely though.  He was all hot and heavy in the being.  Calling all the time trying to get a date and then we do meet up and it was going strong for awhile.  Then boom it totally slowed down and he's always having something come up.

Lol I started this post back in January and never finished it or posted it.  Alot, has changed since then.  I caught feelings and he didn't.  So in June I ended.  Then a few weeks later he called my friend saying he has a girlfriend and was asking if I would have sex with him.  Lord hell no.  So thats the short of that whole thing.

Now I'm the dating apps.  Someone help us all.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Joys of dating AKA having a f-buddy

Well the boy toy has been around for almost 2 months.  Not sure if that's what he should be called but it's not like we talked about.  Plus, a mutual friend started saying somethings like he's a player like he was years ago.  I was like I know what I'm getting into and he knows if he puts it in someone else then no more for him.  I do have some limits.  This isn't the first time she said shit when I started with someone we both knew.  The last one lasted 17 years so there's that.  Not that I expect anything to last that long but there's always hope.

So for the time being I am entitled to have some fun in the sack.  What?! Guys do it all the time.  How does anyone know I'm not the player here but I could be.  Plus, no one knows where anything will go.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

I think I got lost

 I think I got lost in the past few months.  I have been working and hanging at home.  Oh wait I lied.  My friend set me up with someone from like 20 years ago.  It was someone that she and another friend met while going to a dance club.  Due to my work schedule at the time I only went on ladies night on Wednesday.  I barely remember him.  Probably because said friend was getting it on with him back in the day. 

Well for the past few weeks we have seen a lot of each other.  Funny thing was that I wanted to get back together with my ex from high school or someone like him.  Well I got what I wanted.  Someone like him.  So time will tell if it will work.  It is hard not to rush this but I don't want to spook either one of us or the purple monkey running around.

Till next time

Saturday, September 9, 2023

Welcome to September

 It feels like just yesterday that I was in the hospital getting Kyle the cyst out.  It was actually January 5 and now it's September 9th,  I did start a liquid diet to support one of the bestie sisters who's having the gastric sleeve surgery.  I last a day and a half.  Yes 1.5 days, I had to eat something.  So it has been 9 days and I have lost weight.  She had built up to the liquid diet.  Me nope.  I went straight for it.  But know that I have adjusted I am replacing 2 meals with shakes and jello for snacks and 1 small meal.  At Costco I did get a big salad, grapes, hummus, and peppers.  So that will be what I am eating.  I figure as long as I am staying in my calorie range with what I am doing I can stil support the bestie sister.

Till next time.

Friday, August 4, 2023

Seat warmers aka butt warmers and door dash

Yea so not only do accidentally turn on the butt warmer in the car, but I turn on the passenger seat one when I am out Door Dashing.  I haven't received my warming bag yet since I just started.  What I need to do something to keep the food warm.  Ok the bottom of the bag.  What you don't want food?  Well maybe not tipping the monkey in sky would help you with that.  The fish may deliver it when you realize there are elephants in your front yard playing with space dust.  What it could happen.  I mean there's you not tipping so the alligator riding the ferris wheel at the end of the block can stay.